Once a vibrant haven for ducks, geese, and the occasional heron, River Road Park in downtown Boerne now echoes with the hum of heavy machinery and the sight of limestone blocks. However, this temporary disruption conceals a promising transformation, as the city takes on the task to better support wildlife, promote visitors’ nature experience, and to preserve the creek via bank stabilization, the addition of fishing piers, and new vegetation.
As onlookers pass by, the park may resemble a sprawling construction zone, but beneath the surface lies a project that is more than halfway to completion. The metamorphosis from a construction site to a thriving green space is already underway.
Working hand-in-hand with Agave Design Studio and the City of Boerne, Westward Environmental, Inc. performs routine construction stormwater inspections for the project to make sure the engineered Best Management Practices (BMPs) are in working order. The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) mandates routine inspections during construction activities to maintain an organized construction site, minimizing environmental impacts to stormwater and ensuring compliance with state regulations.
In the midst of the mud and machinery, the vision for River Road Park’s revival is taking shape. Through careful planning and environmental stewardship, Agave Design Studio and the City of Boerne are ensuring that the park will not only recover its former glory but also become a beacon of nature in the heart of downtown. Stay tuned for the return of the famous ducks and the unveiling of a rejuvenated River Road Park, a testament to the harmonious coexistence of urban life and the natural world.